ESVARA - Pendants

How to wear



Pendant with different shades of peach and brown moonstones and white diamonds
Pendant with grey and brown moonstones and white diamonds
Leather Straps with Gold Closing & Drops

Places of Spirit

ESVARA jewelry - Places of Spirit pendant
ESVARA jewelry - Places of Spirit pendant


ESVARA jewelry - Places of Spirit pendant
ESVARA jewelry - Places of Spirit pendant
ESVARA jewelry - Places of Spirit pendant
ESVARA jewelry - Places of Spirit pendant
ESVARA jewelry - Places of Spirit pendant
ESVARA jewelry - Places of Spirit pendant
ESVARA jewelry - Places of Spirit pendant
Borobudur pendant with tropical wood elements
Borobudur pendant with tropical wood elements
Borobudur pendant with tropical wood elements
Borobudur pendant
Borobudur pendant
Borobudur pendant
Borobudur pendant
Borobudur pendant with tropical wood elements
Borobudur pendant with tropical wood elements
ESVARA jewelry - Places of Spirit pendant
ESVARA jewelry - Places of Spirit pendant
ESVARA jewelry - Places of Spirit pendant
ESVARA jewelry - Places of Spirit pendant
ESVARA jewelry - Places of Spirit pendant
ESVARA jewelry - Places of Spirit pendant


Cupola pendant with green amethist and brown diamonds
Cupola pendants with black and white diamonds, blue sapphire, black onyx and lapis
Cupola pendants with black and white diamonds, blue sapphire, black onyx and lapis

Silk Route

Auryn snake pendant with brown, black and white diamonds
Bukhara pendant with persian turquose, smoky quarz, white and brown diamonds
Oroboros dragon pendant with brown, and white diamonds

United in diversity

ESVARA jewelry - Places of Spirit pendant
ESVARA jewelry - Places of Spirit pendant
ESVARA jewelry - Places of Spirit pendant
ESVARA jewelry - Places of Spirit pendant
ESVARA jewelry - Places of Spirit pendant
Pendant with symbol of the world 4 energies. 18 ct white gold and white diamonds
ESVARA jewelry - Places of Spirit pendant
ESVARA jewelry - Places of Spirit pendant